Monday, October 19, 2015


Kahoot is a great site to use for reviewing for a test or to use as an exit ticket. It is very similar to Socrative. The students loved the music that went along with our review.

Create the game at

Have students log into the game using their device (iPad or Chromebook) at

It was very easy to create this review. It gave instant feedback and we were able to discuss why an answer was correct or incorrect. Students were engaged and excited!

This is an easy way to incorporate technology into a lesson!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Lesson on Wind Turbines

Create a QR code that links to a video or reference. Have students read the article or watch the video and take notes. Afterwards, pose a question and have students respond and support their answer using a Padlet. Here is an activity my students will be completing tomorrow for morning work. Later during Science I will pose a question based on this work and have students respond in a Padlet.


Check back tomorrow for our completed Padlet!

Reviewing For Science Using Socrative

Students loved answering questions about weather and watching their rocket ship move across the board. We did this review independently. It can easily be done in pairs or groups. It's a great way to review for a test or quiz or as an exit ticket. I love this website because it provided immediate feedback and it's engaging!

Using Padlet to Spark A Conversation About Air

We used Padlet this afternoon to review what we know about air.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wonder Wednesday!

Students spent time during reading today on Wonderopolis exploring and reading about wonders of the day. Some of our favorite wonders were...

  • Why can't dogs eat chocolate? 
  • Why are bowling shoes so slippery?
  • Why is the sky blue?
  • Why is the ocean blue when the water is clear?

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Choosing Apps For Your iPads

Here is a great website that reviews both free and paid apps for iPads. You can browse by grade level and/or subject.

Melinda Finnerty

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Welcome Back

I am ready and excited to embark on a new school year. I have implemented many changes in my classroom this year. Thanks to some inspiration from Erin Klein and many conversations with my good friend and colleague Jen Cimini, I am ready to change my approach to teaching and learning. I have "ditched the desks" in exchange for tables to foster collaboration and my classroom will be a model classroom experimenting with 1:1 devices (iPad mini's). I have created this website as a way to showcase student work and learning. My door is always open so if you like what you see we can set up a time for you to observe student learning in our classroom and how the iPad support this.  Welcome Back!

Melinda Finnerty